wanita yang bisa dibilang manis,,,
namun agak gendut,,heeee
Hi all, My name is yeni arista dewi. I was born in bojonegoro,east java, Indonesia. Right now, I live in nganjuk, east java , indonesia.
I am a student in university of surabaya(UNESA),My special subject is science education. On the other side, I am also interested in legal science. That's why I study in Faculty of mathematics and science at the University of surabaya from 2009-now.
meinen Freunden sagen, es ist ähnlich dem, was asyashara ... ja vielleicht ja?(kata teman- teman saya itu mirip dengan asyashara...apa iya mungkin ya?)
About my Familly
I love all my family,,,
my love to my mother and father will not be different, because they are fairies and angels...